How to WOW Investors

It’s time to present to investors. For anyone that’s asked to borrow money, you know this part can be a bit nerve wracking. For me, I hate doing it, but sometimes, it has to come to that. When it comes to your business, unless you have a family member that’s willing to give you money to get started, you think about getting some investors. The tough part is convincing them why your business would be beneficial to them to take the time and invest. Here are 5 ways to get investors on your side:

  1. If you’ve thought about how much money you’ll need to get started, double that number. Things happen and you may run into a problem and need more money. Be sure to cover all your bases so you won’t have to ask them again.
  2. Research, research, research. Give them a realistic number and not just a random number from out of the sky. If your competitions, new and old, are asking for $20,000, don’t ask for $200,000. This makes investors think you don’t know what you’re doing and have done no research in your revenue.
  3. If you’re the only owner with a bunch of investors, you will be known as a miner shareholder. You won’t have a majority of the say in your business but don’t become that owner that allows investors to take over. Although you should respect new ideas and suggestions by investors, you should still stand up for yourself and help with making decisions.
  4. Don’t show doubt and weakness. Show that you’re passionate for what you do and be confident. Showing off weakness gives off the idea that you’re not sure you want to be in the business and you may give up when the slightest thing goes wrong.
  5. With all the research you’ve done, bring all your documents with you. Financial papers, business plan, floor plans (if you have any), and documents you may have. This shows you’re prepared and investors get the sense that you have the right head on your shoulders.

These key points can change the way your approach investors when meeting them. Investors are an important part when it comes to business planning. Just follow these steps and you’ll be on your way!